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    What are you interested in promoting?


    Reaching both loyal fans and new customers in a short space of time through multiple digital channels.

    Beautiful evening at Charters outdoor space by the canal, with lots of people and tables


    Charters is a tastefully converted floating Dutch barge (Leendert-R), which holds a real ale / late night live music bar, with a large outdoor beer garden. Charters is situated on the River Nene in the centre of Peterborough, on the west side of the town bridge and is reputedly the largest converted barge in Great Britain!


    Promote one of their biggest events of the year (Winter Ale Festival) by targeting event responses in the local area.


    Timescale: 1 month


    By using a multi-channel approach, we knew we could reach Charters’ loyal fans as well as new potential customers in a short space of time through multiple digital channels. This was the businesses first time running this kind of event, so we knew we needed to push the event heavily on all fronts to raise local awareness.

    Through a combination of targeted adverts, regular content and email marketing, we were able to reach upwards of 22,000 people, in addition to their regular customer base on Facebook and via their email database.

    Services used

    Social Media Content Strategy

    Detailed strategy that targeted both loyal fans and potential customers in the local area and with similar interests to increase the success of the event.


    Crafted advertisement that engaged with the right audience.

    Email Marketing and Boosting

    Utilising Charter’s database to inform loyal customers and boosting the reach to potential new customers.

    “Most online attendees ever for an event”

    Charters General Manager

    In One Month




    total event responses


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